Investments Limited


The Company is managed by Board of Directors. Presently, the board of the Company comprises of a Non-Executive Chairman and Five Directors. Day to day Management of the Company is handled by the Managing Director, subject to control, superintendendce and direction of the Board of Directors. The Board has appointed one of its members as the Director-in-charge to look after the compliance of regulatory requirements from the MCA, RBI and the like. The Chief Financial Officer of the Company is responsible for the prudential financial management as per the directions of RBI.

The following is the Composition of Board of Directors:

1.) Shri C.S. Nopany, Chairman

2.) Smt. Shalini Nopany-Managing Director

3.) Shri Brij Mohan Agarwal - Director In charge

4.) Mr. Abhrajit Dutta

5.) Mr. Shrikant Mantri

6.) Shri Sanjay Kumar Maheswary

Executive Management

1.) Shri Brij Mohan Agarwal - Director In charge

2.) Shri Manoj Kumar Jain - Chief Financial Officer

3.) Shri Lokesh Gandhi- Company Secretary & Chief Compliance Officer